Hermosa Beach Therapist/ San Pedro Therapist

Anxiety and Depression


Everyone worries occasionally, however sometimes worry can interfere with living your life. Do you often feel nervous, restless or tense? Do you have rapid breathing, increased heart rate or sweating when not exercising? Often, a combination of factors including relationships, career, family, health concerns, school and work, may increase the worry and stress you are feeling. If you’re experiencing ongoing worry, which is making daily life challenging or affecting your sleep, it may be time to seek help.  In my practice, I help guide clients by providing education about anxiety including:

  • Learning practical tools to manage anxiety symptoms

  • Providing education about anxiety disorders and the effects on the body

  • Practicing mindfulness techniques and deep breathing

  • Using self-care as a coping strategy

  • Reframing anxiety producing thoughts


Depression can cause a variety of symptoms including irritability, sadness, anger, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation, low mood and feelings of worthlessness. Sometimes you may feel isolated and it might feel like it will never get better. However, therapy can help you develop coping skills and restore effective ways of thinking.

I will help you create a plan that targets your specific symptoms of anxiety and depression, builds coping skills, reduces stress, restores self-esteem and hope, and improves overall well-being. I often use CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an evidence based intervention, to treat anxiety and depression.  Know that your symptoms are treatable and that you deserve to feel better. Reach out for help today.