5 Tips to Cope With Anxiety

Do I Have Anxiety? Will therapy help?

You start to feel that nervous feeling in your stomach, maybe your hands are starting to sweat or you notice your heart is beating a little faster. Are you worried? Are you having negative thoughts? Is this anxiety? The answer is probably yes but don’t worry, there are ways to manage it! Try these tips- therapy can help

Tip 1- Relax

1.   Deep breathing can help activate your body's relaxation response and reduce anxiety symptoms. Breathe slowing in through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Deep breathing can help calm your mind and body. There are many different relaxation techniques including progressive muscle relaxation, sensory exercises, mindfulness, and guided imagery that you can try in therapy. Different techniques work for different people so its always a good idea to try them all to see what works for you.

Tip 2 - Exercise

2. Engage in regular exercise: Physical activity releases chemicals in your brain called endorphins which can naturally boost your mood. Exercising regularly can also help reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve overall well-being. Find an exercise or activity that you enjoy, such as walking, bike riding, jogging, yoga, going to the gym or dancing, and aim for at least 20-30 minutes of mid intensity exercise. Creating a regular exercise is great for improving mood and reducing anxiety so try to get outside at least a couple times a week.

Tip 3 - Challenge Negative Thoughts

3.    Anxiety often involves negative thoughts and self talk that can be difficult to control. Often, these thoughts aren’t supported by evidence. Practice identifying and challenging these thoughts by asking yourself if they are accurate or supported and if there is an alternative, more helpful thought you can focus on. Replacing negative thoughts with positive or neutral ones can help reduce anxiety and your therapist can help you examine your thoughts, challenge them, and replace them with alternative more helpful thoughts.   

Tip 4 - Take Care of Yourself

4.    Create a self-care routine: Self-care is an important part of managing anxiety symptoms. Try to set aside time every day for activities that you enjoy. This might include listening to music, taking a bath, reading a magazine, going for a walk, trying a mindfulness exercise, or watching tv. Sometimes it can be hard to find time in your busy day to focus on yourself so try to schedule it in your calendar to make it a regular occurrence. You may feel a little selfish taking time for yourself but prioritizing self-care can help reduce stress and anxiety and is very helpful for improving mood.

Tip 5 - Connect

5. Socialize: Reach out to friends, family, or your social circle for support. Sharing your feelings and day to day experiences with other people can create connection with others and help you feel less alone. Talking to a therapist is also a great way to share your experience with another person and gain feedback and insight on ways to manage anxiety effectively.

Remember, everyone's experience with anxiety is unique, so it's important to find coping strategies that work best for you. If your anxiety persists or becomes overwhelming, don't hesitate to reach out.

Are you suffering from anxiety and want to do something about it? If you feel that your anxiety is out of control, let me be the one to help you! Call to set up a consultation today. Together, we can find solutions to your anxiety. Choosing the right therapist is an important decision since this relationship is the foundation for successful therapy. I currently see clients in person in Hermosa Beach and San Pedro as well as virtually.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my practice or to find out more about the services that I offer.


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